We know you often go above and beyond the call of duty
and perhaps there is a simpler term we could adopt for you instead?

We suggest that be HEROES!

The Peel board recognizes Educational Assistants & Early Childhood Educators’ Appreciation Day on October 21, for their essential role in making a positive difference in the lives of students, their families, and the community.

On behalf of OPSEU Local 2100 Executive, we would like to take this opportunity to express our sincere appreciation to ALL our members in ALL roles supporting students as part of a multidisciplinary team.

You truly are indispensable and your daily impact directly affects our students and families and you deserve a great deal of respect for all the work you do that goes unnoticed by so many. We know that you are the glue that holds the classroom together. We respect you, we support you, and we thank you for the service you provide each and every day.

Please take a moment out of your day and thank another member for being a hero because we are ALL in this together.​